15o συνέδριο της Παγκόσμιας ομοσπονδίας ξεναγών

Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι

Το 15ο συνέδριο της Παγκόσμιας ομοσπονδίας ξεναγών θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο Μακάο τον Ιανουάριο του 2013 .

Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επικοινωνήστε με την Ευρυδίκη Βλάσση 6944 561 032

Καλό ταξίδι
Μαρινέλα Μαμαλάκη Σταυρακάκη

Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to inform you that WFTGA 2013 online registration and payment is ready now. Kindly please click Registration to complete your registration by or before 31st August for a special 20% Early Bird discount.

In order to bring you a totally different and diversify convention in this year, fantastic workshops and tours will be arranged to all of you,  You will experience the unique city "Macau" with full of heritages and Western-Eastern Cultural crossover background.  In addition, you will be touring three different places in China, Hong Kong and Macau at the same time. You willalso have an opportunity to visit the Terracotta Warriors and Horses that will be arranged by Xian Government in China whichis not easily open to public.

On behalf of the WFTGA 2013 Organizing Committee, I cordially invite you to join the convention with us to witness this precious moments.  The successfulness of the convention depends very much on your support and participation.

Please visit our official website http://www.wftga2013.org/ for further details and please just fell free to contact our convention secretariat at register.wftga2013@xdchannel.com should you need any assistance regarding registration.

We look forward to seeing you in Macao for an exciting and fantastic convention.

Yours sincerely,

Angelina Wu
President of the 15th of WFTGA Convention Organizing Committee
President of Macau Tourist Guide Association
15th WFTGA Covention 2013: Macau SAR China
Register before August 31st to get a 20% Discount on the Early Bird Price!!
Delegates Meeting : General Assembly - Friday 11th to Friday 18th January
Main Convention: Sunday 13th to Friday 18th January
Pre Tour to Hong Kong: Friday 11th to Sunday 13th January
Post Tour to Hong Kong with optional extra day to Schenzen, China: Friday 18th to Tuesday 22nd January
Post Tour to Xian China: Friday 18th to Tuesday 22nd January - special private visit to see the Terracota Warriors

  • Please find attached a special welcome from our Host: Ms Angelina Wu : President of the Macau Tourist Guide Association.
  • Remember you may need visas for Macau, Hong Kong and China!
  • Invitation Letters will be sent once you have registered.
  • Delegates (Country Representatives) and their Accompanying Guests  register for the General Assembly only - the fee covers the whole week.
  • Participants and their Accompanying Guests register for the Main Convention only.

Ανακοινώσεις του σωματείου μας


Σωματείο Επαγγελματιών Ξεναγών Κρήτης & Σαντορίνης


Φωτογραφίες από το σωματείο μας

Λεωφόρος Δημοκρατίας 10, (Εργατικό Kέντρο Hρακλείου), Ηράκλειο, Κρήτη, Τ.Κ. 713 06. Τηλέφωνο: 2810-28-1984, Fax auto: 2810-288.802, e-mail: cretanguides@gmail.com
Η γραμματεία λειτουργεί Δευτέρα έως Παρασκευή, 18:00 έως 20:00